Are Bananas Healthy? How Many Calories Are There in A Banana?

Bananas are a simple and popular fruit, and many people don’t know about the benefits they offer. In reality, we don’t treat bananas with the same amount of attention that we do other fruits. However, research has shown many health benefits for people who consume it. In botany, the banana is part of one of the varieties known as berries.

How Many Calories Are There in A Banana?

Do you know how many calories are in one banana? For every 100g of bananas, you’ll find 89 calories. This makes it a healthy supplement to an energizing diet. The fruit is an excellent source of fiber and is also rich in vital nutrients that are great for those who exercise regularly.

This is just one of the things that a lot of people don’t know about. There are other things about which you aren’t aware. You can find out the essential facts about bananas and the health benefits they bring. This is a nutritious food that is high in carbohydrates.

Are Banana Healthy? Check out the 10 Health Benefits of Eating a Banana everyday:

1. Bananas build lean muscle

After a long day, you might feel your muscles are stiff. The muscles may not develop quickly enough if you perform regular exercises. For a better workout, you should consider eating bananas every day. Additionally, they contain plenty of magnesium, which helps increase the strength of your muscles. It helps in the relaxation and contraction of muscles. The magnesium content assists in the process of lipolysis. It is a process that helps your body shed fat storage.

One way to enjoy one banana is by drinking tea made from bananas. You can indeed use it in place of tea. It is necessary to boil water, cut off the banana’s two sides, and its peel should be present. Then, cook the drink for about seven to ten minutes. Then, you can drain the glass and drink it before getting ready for bed. Viola! You can work out and keep your body correctly by including bananas in your diet.

2. It is a great mood-lifter.

The smile-shaped banana is designed for a reason. Yes, it makes you smile and laugh since it boosts your mood. When you’re stressed, you can consume the fruit to improve your mood. It contains about 6% of the daily intake of vitamin B9, known as folate. It is a nutrient that combats depression and can help boost mood. Additionally, it increases the serotonin level in your body, which can make you feel happier.

It’s a feeling-good chemical in the brain, and it could be reduced due to hormonal changes or stress. Therefore, you should enhance your folate levels so that you can remain happy and full of energy.

3. Get a better night’s sleep by eating the banana

If you consume an apple before going to bed, you will sleep better. This is due to the tryptophan found in the berry. It makes you feel immediately at ease and ready to sleep well. Therefore, you should take practice eating a banana every day before going to get ready for bed.

4. Regulate blood pressure levels

A mix of extremely low sodium and high potassium levels means one has low blood pressure and also the lowest rate of stroke. If you’re looking to control your blood pressure, an appropriate fruit that will keep this way can be found in the fruit banana. It’s low in sodium and high in potassium food. This means you’ll stay fit and healthy.

5. Bananas help to reduce the appearance of bloating

Belly bloating could make any healthy person look insecure. It is due to the retention of water in the body and the gas. Women who ate bananas were able successfully to fight the consequences of gastric bloating. The fruit is a source of the bacteria that fight bloat. It is also a rich food source of potassium. It assists in reducing your retention of liquids inside the body.

6. It’s a complete diet

The banana, before ripening, has resistant starch, which impedes the process of digestion. It is, therefore, a good source of bacteria and is good for your gut health. It decreases appetite and leads to effective fat burning. So, because of this, you’ll feel fuller quickly, so you don’t have any excessive cravings. However, since bananas that aren’t ripe are bitter, you could add them to smoothies to enhance the flavor.

7. Reduce bad cholesterol

There is a chance that you’ve consumed trans-facts, which are found in fast food. They can increase our bad cholesterol levels. To combat that kind of fat, you can consume the fruit of the twig. They are rich in phytosterols, which are substances that promote the reduction of LDL cholesterol.

8. Healthy digestive system

If you experience nausea after eating or experience an indication of stomach pain, you might be suffering from minor digestive problems. To aid your digestive system is functioning well, try eating an apple. It is a great source of prebiotics that aid in the development of good bacteria within your stomach. It helps in good digestion. Therefore, you can boost your digestive health by eating a banana a day.

9. Provides good bone health

Bananas have high amounts of calcium, so they help in increasing calcium uptake with the prebiotic fructooligosaccharides. They ferment within the digestive tract, and they improve the body’s capacity to take in calcium.

10. A good source of energy

A lot of people believe that protein bars are plenty of energy. But did you know that the protein in nature’s bar is actually a banana? It’s an energy boost, so you’ll feel instantly energized following a bite. It contains the digestion source of sugar, which is high in glucose. You can run for miles without difficulty after eating the fruit.

Bananas are healthy. Therefore they’re perfect for all your daily nutrient requirements. They can help you keep active and healthy.

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