10 Best & Amazing Benefits & Uses of Tulsi (Holy Basil) Leaves

The other name of Tulsi is Basil leaves. It is often used in various household works. Most people in India rely upon these leaves to treat various types of health issues. These leaves are also considered to be very holy and auspicious. It is also used in many religious affairs. We can find many people who worship Tulsi plants regularly. Other than that, these leaves are also used for medicinal purposes. Tulsi is such a plant that is used to treat various types of health issues. It is an extremely powerful plant that comes with ample features.

Ten best health benefits of Tulsi:

In the next few lines, we will try to explore some of the main benefits of tulsi. It will be great to gather good information about this plant. It will also help the masses to know about the plant in a much better manner.

Curing a fever:

Tulsi has a very special quality of curing fever. There leaves have some anti-biotic, germicidal, and fungicidal properties that help in curing the fever. It helps in killing the virus to a great extent. It holds the property of lowering common fever and can easily lower fever that takes place in case of Malaria and similar other diseases. In the Ayurvedic world, it is believed that a person suffering from fever should have a decoction of Tulsi leaves.

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Helps in beating diabetes:

A good number of people suffer from diabetes in the present world. Holy basil leaves along with eugenol, methyl eugenol can work well. Tulsi helps in better functioning of pancreatic beta cells. Helps in the instant lowering of sugar levels in the body. The Tulsi work in a fantastic manner than any other types of medicines or insulin. It is highly appreciated in the medical world.

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Heart Protection:

It will be great to know that tulsi leaves are excellent in protecting the heart from any type of external factor. Simply chewing of tulsi leaves in an empty stomach every morning is good for curing any types of heart ailments.  This is also proved.

Good in beating stress:

On the other side, tulsi is also good at curing and lowering stress. Central Drug Research Institute in Lucknow has proved that tulsi maintains the normal levels of stress hormone. The leaves are so powerful that it can help in soothing the nerves. It also helps in easy blood regulations all along the body.

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Great in dissolving kidney stones:

Tulsi leaves are good in reducing the level of uric acid in the body. With the presence of acetic acid, the kidney stones are broken and, they are easily dissolved within the body. To get relief from kidney stones regular consumption of tulsi leaves with honey can be effective. It should be consumed for continuous six months.

Helps in beating cancer:

Any type of cancer and tumors can be cured and treated with tulsi leaves. It can be easily cured if detected during the initial stage. Regular consumption of tulsi leaves can be effective in this case.

Helps in getting rid of smoking:

If you are planning to quit smoking, you can try some tulsi leaves. It can also reduce the stress that may arise while quitting smoking. It is better to chew some tulsi leaves when you have the urge to smoking. This can solve the problem of smoking to a good extent.

Get a healthy and glowing skin from tulsi leaves:

Most people have a healthy and glowing skin. It is found that it is only possible because of the daily consumption of tulsi leaves. Raw tulsi leaves purify the blood by preventing it from any type of acne. It also prevents the skin from various types of blemishes. The skin gets a flawless look.

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Tulsi helps in improving respiratory issues:

Tulsi leaves have some excellent expectorant properties. This is much related to respiratory issues. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal tulsi properties keep the respiratory track clear and protect it from any type of congestion. It is only possible with the regular consumption of tulsi. The anti-inflammatory properties of tulsi are also responsible for treating allergic respiratory problems or disorders.

Get relief from headache with tulsi leaves:

Tulsi leaves are great in providing relief from headaches. It works well on a headache that arises because of sinusitis, allergic and cold. If you add small drops of tulsi leaves in warm water and take the vapor it can help you get relief from headaches immediately. It works easily.  The flavor of tulsi leaves is good and beneficial for human health.

Apart from all this, any type of itching or skin issues can easily be treated with the help of tulsi leaves. The demand for tulsi is gradually increasing. It is a wonderful medicinal plant that has several qualities.

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