7 Diets that will be Trends in 2018

The ranking has been made after examining more than 40 diets and measuring different parameters , including the ease of complying with the diet in question, their ability to help people lose weight in the short and medium term, and their safety.

For example, the ketogenic diet and the Dukan diet qualify in the last positions of the ranking because the experts consider that they are very difficult to follow.

1. DASH diets

It is designed to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive people. It is characterized by basing food on a mixture of fruits, vegetables, cereals and whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy. Its restrictions consist of saturated fats, sugary drinks , some fats and whole milk products . It also recommends in a general sense to reduce the consumption of salt .

2. Mediterranean Diet

It is the one we know best and has been designed from the feeding habits and lifestyle of the populations of southern Europe . It is a diet rich in routes and vegetables, healthy fats from olive oil, nuts and some blue fish. Its effectiveness has been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and some tumors .

3. Flexitarian diet

His name is a mixture of the words flexible and vegetarian . The flexitarian diet encourages people to take a vegetarian diet most of the time to improve health, but without cutting the consumption of meat altogether .

4. Weight Watchers diet

It is a very popular diet in the United States, promoted by celebrities like Oprah Winfrey who claims to have lost many kilos thanks to that regime. It works with a point system, where each food has a score. Those who practice it have a daily limit of points. The foods high in nutrients and high satiating capacity have few points while sweet scored very high.

5. MIND diet

It is the mixture of the DASH and the Mediterranean dietsand has a very good press because it has been related to the prevention of Alzheimer’s and dementia . Encourages people to eat foods that protect the brain, such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, blackberries, kidney beans, whole grains, poultry, olive oil and wine. It is recommended to avoid foods such as red meat, butter, margarine, cheese, sweets and fried foods.

6. Diet TLC

Its name comes from the acronym corresponding to Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes). Its objective is to reduce the blood cholesterol levels, for this purpose, to cut the consumption of saturated fats and of all fats in general. It also encourages you to eat more fiber.

7. Volumetric diet

People who are encouraged to follow this regime should pay attention to the energy density of food, ie the number of calories in a certain amount of food: foods that have a high energy density also contain many calories in a small portion .

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